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Profile Information

8963 River Road Beech Bottom, WV 26070
40.215785 / -80.658022
Nowak, Joseph

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionBF96353701WVAssessment2017
Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionBF96378801WVAssessment2020
Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleBF96345801WVAssessment2016
Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleBF96337301WVCleanup2015
Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleBF96369901WVAssessment2019
City of WeirtonBF96362801WVBCRLF2018
R3 TBA - West Virginia (STAG Funded)n/aWVTBA2004

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Cleanup Planning$56,710.0004/15/2019Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN
Cleanup Planning$56,710.0004/15/2019Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN
Cleanup Planning$46,450.0004/15/2019Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Cleanup Planning$46,450.0004/15/2019Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Cleanup Planning$16,380.0001/31/202203/25/2022Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
Cleanup Planning$16,380.0001/31/202203/25/2022Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
Phase I Environmental Assessment05/05/201406/27/2014Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase I Environmental Assessment05/05/201406/27/2014Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase I Environmental Assessment01/20/201404/17/2014Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase I Environmental Assessment01/20/201404/17/2014Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase I Environmental Assessment$10,172.0001/20/201404/17/2014R3 TBA - West Virginia (STAG Funded)NFY14
Phase I Environmental Assessment$10,172.0001/20/201404/17/2014R3 TBA - West Virginia (STAG Funded)NFY14
Phase II Environmental Assessment$213,598.0005/05/201406/27/2014R3 TBA - West Virginia (STAG Funded)N
Phase II Environmental Assessment$213,598.0005/05/201406/27/2014R3 TBA - West Virginia (STAG Funded)N
Phase II Environmental Assessment$1,110.0009/04/201806/26/2020Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$1,110.0009/04/201806/26/2020Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$35,620.0009/04/201806/26/2020Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionYFY21
Phase II Environmental Assessment$35,620.0009/04/201806/26/2020Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionYFY21

Is Cleanup Necessary? Yes
EPA Assessment Funding: $760,080.00
Leveraged Funding: $350,590.00
Total Funding: $1,110,670.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

Selected Strategy(ies)Explanatory Text
Climate-focused Phase I and Phase II ESAsClimate-focused Phase 1 ESAs may consider current and on-going climate change impacts and consider future impacts to the site or area. For example, an investigation of the site history can include an investigation of site vulnerabilities based on historical and recent climate patterns and events (e.g., floods and drought). Climate-focused Phase 2 ESAs may include use of renewable energy, incorporating remote sensing capabilities, maximize reuse of existing wells (as appropriate) and/or design wells for future reuse, use of field test kits when possible, use of local laboratories when possible, and use of appropriate sized equipment for the project."
Updates to floodplain, coastal and wetland, and /or hazard mitigation plansUpdated plans should consider the impact of both current and projected climate-related conditions (e.g., sea level rise, proximity to a flood plain, and the frequency and severity of major storm events and droughts) on the long-term safety, stability and suitability of the proposed land reuses."
Evaluate Reuse options that are climate consciousDiscussion of observed and forecasted climate change conditions and the associated site-specific risk are part of any reuse considerations. Both current and forecasted climate changes may impact the effectiveness of a remedial alternative."
Identify potential risk factors and infrastructure or utility vulnerabilitiesIdentify potential risk factors and vulnerabilities resulting directly from the impacts of climate change." Possible risk factors and vulnerabilities may include proximity to the ocean, infrastructure vulnerabilities, property affected by a revised FEMA flood plain map, vulnerability related to changes in frequency and intensity of precipitation events, vulnerability of soil type due to moisture and hydraulic changes, and ground and surface drinking water vulnerabilities."

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Contaminants and Media

Cadmium (Cd)
Chromium (Cr)
Other Contaminants
Other Metals
Cleaned Up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
Cleaned Up
NOT Cleaned up
Building Materials
Ground Water
Cleaned Up
NOT Cleaned up
Cleaned Up

Cleanup Activities

Start DateEPA FundingCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Cleanup Documentation
03/08/2017$32,631.0006/03/2018Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleNo
03/08/2017$32,631.0006/03/2018Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleNo
03/08/201706/03/2018Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleNo
03/08/201706/03/2018Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleNo

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented: Y
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info: Management and disposal of a hydrochloric acid tank located at Beech Bottom Industrial Park, formerly used for the treatment of process wastewater; disposal of small amounts of other wastewater treatment chemicals remaining at the site.
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 200
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding: $65,262.00
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding: $13,046.00
Total Funding: $78,308.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

Selected Strategy(ies)Explanatory Text
Reduce waste and manage materials sustainablyPractices to reduce water and manage materials sustainably may include minimizing consumption of virgin materials; minimizing waste generation; use of recycled products and local materials; beneficially reusing waste materials (e.g. concrete made with coal combustion products replacing a portion of cement); and segregating and reusing or recycling materials, products, and infrastructure (e.g. soil, construction and demolition debris, buildings)."

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Institutional and Engineering Controls

Proprietary Controls
Cover Technologies (e.g., Capping)
An approximate 0.46 acre area of the site was capped to limit exposure to surface soils.

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

Start DateLeveraged FundingCACompletion Date
10/01/2018$2,600,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
10/01/2018$2,600,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
06/03/2013$2,600,000.00Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
06/03/2013$12,000,000.00Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
06/03/2013$12,000,000.00Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
03/25/2019$4,000,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
03/25/2019$4,000,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
03/25/2019$12,000,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
03/25/2019$12,000,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
03/25/2019$3,200,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
03/25/2019$3,200,000.00Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle
06/03/2013$2,600,000.00Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

Ready for reuse, current occupancy includes aluminum coil coating operations with planned expansion and material lay down areas supporting the oil and gas industry. Former Use: The former Wheeling Pittsburg Steel Company property. Steel Plant from approx. 1910 - 2012.

Additional Cleanup/End Use Planning to support Environmental Narrative for a US EDA grant proposal submitted March 2022.
Industry (200)
ID Number (if Applicable): 17008 Enrolled:

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