RETIGO Data Entry
RETIGO is a free, web-based tool that is optimized to visualize air quality data collected while in motion (walking, biking, or on a vehicle). It is intended to be used by anyone to explore their collected data and can also optionally bring in data from nearby air quality and meteorological stations. Enter your data file below, or visit the tutorial page for help in getting started.
Problems running RETIGO? Try clearing your browser cache and restarting.
RETIGO can be used by anyone to explore the data that they collected. To collect the data, monitoring equipment is needed and ranges in price from ten dollar sensors up to professional grade equipment costing tens of thousands of dollars. EPA's Air Sensor Toolbox site has an array of information on emerging technologies for air monitoring.
RETIGO reads plain text files, which can be either comma or space delimited. The data columns must be in a form that RETIGO can understand. Enter your data file below, or visit the tutorial page for help in getting started. General information about RETIGO can be found on the RETIGO website.
Problems running RETIGO? Try clearing your browser cache and restarting.
Was your data collected above ground level?
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