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Terminology Services

National Ecosystem Classification System (NESCS) Plus Glossary

The National Ecosystems Classification System-Plus (NESCS Plus, pronounced “nex-us plus”) is a robust, step-by-step resource for tracing the links between natural ecosystems and human well-being. The main purpose of NESCS Plus is to serve as a framework for analyzing how changes to ecosystems impact human welfare. This system can aid in the analysis of different types of environmental management actions, policies, and regulations. Potential applications include, but are not limited to, cost-benefit analysis of environmental programs, natural capital accounting, and measurement of “green” gross domestic product (green GDP). Though NESCS Plus is not a valuation or accounting system, it is designed to support systematic and comprehensive accounting of changes in final ecosystem services (FES).
Publishing Organization: 
Office of Research and Development
Last Update: 
September 09, 2020

Terms & Acronyms

Results per page:
Beneficiary Classification
Benefit transfers
Bequest Value
Causal chain diagram
Classification Component
Classification system
Cultural Services
Direct Use
Direct Use Classification
Direct User
Direct User Classification
Ecological End-Product
Ecological End-Product Classification
Ecological production functions
Economic production functions
Economic valuation
Ecosystem Attributes
Environment Classification
Existence Value
Final ecosystem good
Final ecosystem service
Hedonic Analysis
Household production functions
Human well-being
Intermediate ecosystem service
Macro accounting
Metrics and indicators
Natural Capital
Non-use values
Option value
Subclass I
Subclass II
Use values
Results per page: